Sunday, February 13, 2011

February Update

Time is flying by. We have been in our new house for over a month now and things are finally starting to get back to normal (depending on your definition of normal). I think we win the award for the most Kleenex boxes used in a 2 month time period. Man, whoever said schools were a germ factory, were right. We have had at least 1 person sick in our family for 6 weeks straight.

Ok, time to stop griping, Mike.

We did get our driveway cleared off just in time to make our flight to the Southwest. Thanks to mom Adams for taking the kids so Amb and I could visit friends. Thanks to Josh and Jenn Wyss, and Doug and Janelle Brewer for the great memories! We had a great time.

Josh and Jen during our hike atop South Mountain in Phoenix.

Doug and Janelle Brewer and us during another beautiful San Diego beach sunset!

Scooping a 5 foot drift in front of the garage at 12 noon, just in time to leave to catch our flight in St Louis at 2 pm! Talk about cutting it close!

We kept my brother Matt last week. It is never very hard for him to get the boys riled up!

Yep, I am back in the RC airplane business!! We took a "boys afternoon out" and attended an indoor rc plane airshow in Champaign on Saturday. Having flown gas powered planes during my single years, I thought it was time to take the plunge again since the boys are old enough to enjoy it. This time, I am going electric, so no more greasy fuel, no more stalling engines, and no more mess! Just lots of fun, good memories, and maybe even a few crashes!

Had to post this video of the boys. They found the mask box and were having a blast. Hilarious!!