Andrew again showed us what the scripture says of "becoming like a little child" (innocence and purity of mind).
Last week, during the Christmas festivities, Amber was telling the kids about how many millions of kids in the world will be starving this Christmas. Andrew pipes up "no they won't mom, because we made food boxes for them last week with the Sunday School kids!
How many times do we as Christians feel we can't fix all the bad things in the world, so why try. It is easy to feel overwhelmed when you see how much poverty, hunger, and trouble there is in the world. Andrew reminded me that it does matter to the one, two, three or ten, that we do help. The bottom line is, am I doing what I have been called to do (serve and obey God, spread the gospel, and help the sick, hurting, and helpless). We do our best, and let God do the rest!!
Merry Christmas from the Grimms!!!