Monday, July 26, 2010

A Buzz church moment we won't forget!

Bear with me on this one. This is typical of our 2nd son......

Andrew has had a bad habit the last few months of having to "go stinkies" right in the middle our afternoon church service. I have told him numerous times that he needs to hold it in or go before we go in to church, as we are sick of taking him out all the time.

The last few times he has tried this, I have noticed that he kind of makes a game out of it and doesn't even do what he should be doing. Smelling a rat, I told him last week that from now on, if he says he has to "go stinkies", and he doesn't go, he will get a spanking.

Now we come to yesterday in afternoon church. In the middle of the service he tells me "daddy I have to go pee". I said no, hold it in. He then proceeds to say "I have to go stinkies". Again, I said no, just hold it until church is over. After dancing around and whining for about 3 minutes, I finally took him out with the condition that if he didn't go, he would get spanked.

We head to the bathroom and he sits on the toilet. After about 6 or 7 grunts, he tells me "daddy, I have to sit here a long time so I can go stinkies". I knew he wouldn't go, but decided to wait and see what happens.

After about 2 more minutes of grunting, he starts whimpering. Finally he cries out "daddy, I don't want to get a spanking!".

I had to stick to my word, so, while trying to hold in my laughs, I got him dressed and we went to the basement.........It's always hard to follow through on discipline like this, especially when you see the fear in their eyes, but he definitely learned his lesson!

Hopefully this post generates a few laughs and brings back memories to some of you!

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