Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Grimm family homestead in Kansas!!

For all those Henry Grimm Sr. decedents out there, check out this link. Great job to my friend Matt Wyss for researching his wife's heritage, and taking action to find the original Grimm family homestead in Kansas. Very cool blog post with great photos.


  1. Hi Mike,
    My name is Mel Grimm. I'm the Great Great Grandson of Henry and Caroline, the Great Grandson of Charles and Carrie, the Grandson of Sam and Bertha and the son of Mel Sr. and Ruth Ann. My wife Margaret and I live on Whidbey Island just north of Seattle. I would like to hear how we are related, and maybe I can pass on some of our history, Mel

  2. Hi Mel! Sorry i am just now getting this.
    Yes, Henry is my great, great, great grandfather. My great grandfather was also named Henry (from Morton IL near Peoria), and I am pretty sure his dad was Bill Grimm (Henry and Carolyn's son). Please email me at mikeg@lighthousegm.com, and i can forward you some more links to some cool history about our mutual ancestor. Thanks and have a great day!
