Monday, December 26, 2011

Buzz teaches us about having a pure heart!

Andrew again showed us what the scripture says of "becoming like a little child" (innocence and purity of mind).

Last week, during the Christmas festivities, Amber was telling the kids about how many millions of kids in the world will be starving this Christmas. Andrew pipes up "no they won't mom, because we made food boxes for them last week with the Sunday School kids!

How many times do we as Christians feel we can't fix all the bad things in the world, so why try. It is easy to feel overwhelmed when you see how much poverty, hunger, and trouble there is in the world. Andrew reminded me that it does matter to the one, two, three or ten, that we do help. The bottom line is, am I doing what I have been called to do (serve and obey God, spread the gospel, and help the sick, hurting, and helpless). We do our best, and let God do the rest!!

Merry Christmas from the Grimms!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Macy great comment

Tonight at supper, Macy kept asking when grandma Sharon was coming. In her little girly voice she asked "um, um, is she coming at 20 after naps?".

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Buzz thinks dad had 2 moms

Here is another classic from Andrew.

When I was young, we lived in the house that Barry and Joyce Kloter live in now. I have told the boys this different times.

Recently, Andrew was with Joyce and asked her "Joyce, how old were you when you were my daddy's mom?" Confused, Joyce told him that she was never my mom. Andrew piped up "but daddy said he used to live at YOUR house!!".

It all does make sense looking at it from a 5 year old's perspective, huh??

Funny Turkey Story from Buzz!

A few weeks back, Amber and the kids were at my aunt and uncles place, Scott and Phyllis Leman. Andrew saw a big stuffed turkey in the corner, and exclaimed "THAT IS THE BIGGEST CHICKEN I'VE EVER SEEN!".

Guess we haven't done a good enough job teaching poultry names to our kids, huh?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving program

Jayden's 1st grade class put on a Thanksgiving program today for family and friends. Their first performance was at Goodfield school, and then they went to Eureka nursing home and performed there. After that they got to go to Hardees which was a huge highlight for the kids!
ItalicThey all did so good memorizing cute Thanksgiving songs and speaking up for us to hear! Their little hats and props were cute too!
I'm loving Jayden's grin in this pic!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treat!!

Mom and dad had to join in the trick or treating fun this year........ Great memories!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Buzz wants a door for his birthday

Andrew's birthday is coming up. A few months ago, he and Jayden accidentally put a hole in mom Adam's basement door. I made a big deal about it to them and made them pay money from their piggy bank to teach them a lesson.

Forward to tonight. Andrew is telling us what he wants for his birthday. In a very innocent voice, he tells Amber "mom, can I have a door for my birthday, so I can give it to grandma Sharon?".

What a guy.......

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Photos of new home

Many of you from out of town have been asking for photos of our new home, so here you go. Sorry they are 7 months late.

A craft blog

I decided to make an outlet for all my creative imaginations and inspirations! For about the past year or so I have been surfing the craft blog world and loving it! There are so many fun projects and ideas out there! Once I started trying some of the fun ideas I saw I couldn't wait to share them with someone. My family had to get e-mailed pictures of my creations. Now I decided to just post on a blog and if you are interested you can follow and comment! I'd love to hear from you! The new blog is:

Friday, September 30, 2011

Generation Gap!

Found a 1992 edition of "The Sporting News" magazine the other day. At work, a few of us were looking through it, remembering all the players from our childhood. One of our young technicians comes up, looks at it, and says "The Sporting News, whats that? Oh that must have been before the internet".....

Wow, do I ever feel old. Only 7 years age difference, but a total generation apart......


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kiss mom! Buzz great comment.

Saturday night, we were driving home from a wedding. Amb and I had to drive separate. On the way home, we both needed fuel. After pulling along side Amb, filling both vehicles, and taking back off, Buzz asked me "dad, why did you pull next to mom at the gas station?". I responded "because I like to be close to her".

Very loud, he exclaims "yeah, so you can kiss her!!".

Andrew, Andrew, Andrew....

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Macy swallows a magnet ball.

A few weeks ago, the kids were playing our magnet building game. Macy coughed a little and then cried. Amber came into the room and asked "Macy did you swallow something"? She responded "yeah, a BALL!" We worried a little that she may have swallowed multiple magnet balls, so the next morning we got a x-ray done. Bet you can't tell where the ball was??

Thankfully it passed a few days later...Too funny!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Buzz learns to ride a bike (and run away from a cop))

Jayden teaching Buzz how to ride a bike without training wheels. The funniest part was later when he was riding down the street. He fell down right in front of a police car, and instead of getting help back on his bike, he freaks out and runs home.....

August 2011

It has been a very action packed summer and we have much to thank the Lord for.

Our out of town potluck group recently got together in Bradford, IL.

We kept our niece, Mallory Joos (from MN) for a few days. Loved having her here.

Jayden off to 1st grade!

A few weeks back, we had a bunch of Amb's cousins from Forrest, IL, for a Sunday. This was one of the calm moments.... Not many of those with 20 some kids running around....

Our good friends, Brandon and Maria Emch from Kansas City, stayed with us for a weekend recently. Very enjoyable time catching up on each other's lives.

Typical moment with the Grimm kids.

Splashdown water park a few Saturday's ago. Boys loved the water slides. Macy loved to whine.

Captured the kids playing "Church" the other day. Below is a video that will make you laugh. Hopefully Buzz learns to sing on pitch one of these days!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kids do listen in Church....

Sometimes it is easy to think that kids don't pay attention in Church, but 2 things happened last night to disprove this.

During the service, while the boys were playing, we were reminded to put on the armor of God, and not try to defeat satan on our own. During this topic, the minister stated "don't ever run away from satan" (meaning don't do it on our own without God's help). Both boys looked up right away to me and said "why not, dad?". So the next 5 minutes I got to explain that satan can run faster than us, but God runs much faster, so as long as we trust in God, we will go faster than satan. :):)

Also, during the singing of "God is our Refuge", Andrew pipes up very loud "DAD, WHAT DOES REFUGE MEAN??".

Many Wednesday's, I am tempted to leave the kids at home because it is so hard to get 4 little kids ready for Church. But as Amber always reminds me, we are putting them under the sound of the Word! They hear more than we think!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Today I told Mariah she was going to get 1000 kisses. Andrew blurts out "NOT ON THE LIPS, EEEWWW". Jayden, a few years older and wiser, tells Andrew "Buzzy, you will HAVE to kiss on the lips when you get married!"

Monday, July 11, 2011

Wisconsin summer 2011

Random pictures from our trip to mom and dad's cabin in Wisconsin. Had a great time getting away from the business of work/life......

The beautiful northwoods. Worth a trip if you have never been there.

The Bear Trap Inn
Do you think the girls are enjoying their soda?

Good picture of dad, mom, and Matt.

Waiting for the 4th of July parade.

The boys are getting better on skis. We were able to disconnect the trainer rope and they did good.

Apples and popcorn by the fire. Yes, I said fire..... It's a different world up there. My kind of weather. Never too hot, gets cool at night, etc etc. The water is somewhere between freezing and bone chilling cold, but I love it! Amber on the other hand, has a different opinion.

Matt and his nephews on the tube. The boys loved having their uncle with us for 10 days.

Mariah and Jayden helping grandpa play on his phone.

Ready to go out to eat!

We had mom snap a quick family picture by one of the restaurants.

Getting a little crazy waiting for fireworks. It doesn't get dark up there until after 10:30! As you can see, Macy isn't too fond of the loud bangs...

Buzz got worn out the last day. This picture is priceless.

It's always good to go on vacation, and good to come home!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Amber new email and contact info

As of Monday, June 20th, our home phone number 309-965-2085 will not work. Please delete this number from your contacts. Amber's cell is 309-824-9473, and mine is 309-696-6611.

Also, Amber's email address is changing to "". Please delete her "" address from your contacts.

Amb, welcome to the I-phone world! :):)

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Tonight at supper, I mentioned "I have the cutest kids in the whole world". Andrew, with a very sincere and serious look on his face says "yeah, and the". Poor little guy, he is a maniac, and knows it...... so funny.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lighthouse Paintball Outing

Every 6 months or so, I take the shop guys out to dinner, etc to get them away from business and in a casual setting for a little bit. The young guys have been begging to go paintballing, so I gave in and we went this Tuesday night. Wow was it fun!

Amber graciously brought in pizza for us to eat during a break.

The group--armed, loaded, and ready to go!

For some reason, the boss was the first one hit every game. I don't undertand why????? :)

The field of play. For some reason, everyone else would hide behind stuff, then I would get impatient, and start running all over the place. Maybe that was why I always got hit first.........

Quick video of the fun.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Model Airplane!!

After a 7 year hiatus, I am back in the model airplane business! I told Amber that once the boys got old enough to enjoy it, I would buy another plane. Poof! The boys are old enough. This one is electric instead of gas. No more stalling, greasy fuel, etc.

After my jog tonight, I noticed the wind was calm enough to fly, so we tried it out. My brother Matt is staying with us this week and is ready to get one himself. They are great fun, especially when thy go straight into the ground at 70 mph. Unfortunately this can happen, as everything that goes up, must come down....... :):)

Below are 2 videos of takeoff and a flyby. Pay no mind to the guy with the bald spot on the back of his head. Just don't look directly at it, and you won't be blinded........Oh well, less to comb, and less to cut.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mommy, can we see God's face??

Spring has been good. Have to start this post with another Andrew classic. One day last week, he asked Amb "mommy, can we see God's face?". Amber told him "no, not here on earth we can't". He responds........ "but mom, what if He kneels down?"

Classic Andrew. Oh to have the innocence of a child...

My sister Jenni, and her "bosom friend" Janelle Hohulin Ebert visited Amber while Janelle was here from Phoenix. Being childhood next door neighbors and best friends, Janelle and Jenni were quite a funny duo. Many nights I was kept up listening to them giggle in the bedroom next to mine. Oh the memories.....

We hosted mothers day on the Grimm side at our house. Looks calm and peaceful, huh?

My brother Matt, and his friend Josh Robinson helped me set the dock one night last week. Now we just need some sand, and then the twins (and their mom) will go swimming. Until then, don't count on it. :):)

Cookin up a mess of mushrooms. Why is it when you have to work and get food from nature, that it always seems to taste better. I'm pretty sure if I would buy morel's at the grocery store and cook them, they wouldn't taste as good.....

The twins being the twins.

We are finally closing the "building and construction" phase of our house. Grass seed was planted 10 days ago, and we are getting the outside looking like a home. More pictures of the finished house are coming soon for those of you from out of the area....

This video is hilarious. If you want to see how Andrew gets hurt so often, just watch the very end. He always has things like this happen to him. Full speed ahead with no thought of consequences. Hope he learns how to slow down his throttle someday!

That is enough blogging for today.... Now it's time to get my brother Kieth married..... 3 more weeks!